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Title: Bovine Hypodermosis in North-Central Algeria: Prevalence, Intensity of Infection and Risk Factors
Authors: Saidani, Khelaf
López-Sández, Ceferino
Mekademi, Karima
Diaz-Fernandez, Pablo
Diez-Baños, Pablo
Benakhla, Ahmed
Panadero-Fontán, Rosario
Keywords: Bovine hypodermosis
Risk factors
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Kafkas Univ vet fak derg
Abstract: From January to June 2009 the biggest livestock market and five bovine farms of Bejaia department (Northcentral Algeria) were visited in order to undertake an epidemiological survey on warble fly infestation (WFI). A total of 3.442 and 226 bovines were clinically examined in both market and farms, respectively. The prevalence was higher in farms (18.1%) than in the animal market (3.7%). On the contrary, the intensity of infection was highest in the market (12.61±7.78 vs 7.5±4.15). The husbandry system exerts a significant effect on the prevalence of WFI, being the prevalence highest under extensive management. However, cattle age, sex and breed did not exert a significant effect on WFI prevalence. Breed was the only factor influencing the intensity of infection; the Montbeliarde breed was the most heavily infested as compared to the crossbreed and the local breed
Description: N°20 (6); p.871 - p.876
Appears in Collections:Publications Internationales

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