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Title: Study of the epidemiological situation of heartworm disease in Algeria
Authors: Ammam, Abdelkader
Aissi, Miriem
Keywords: heartworm disease
Issue Date: Nov-2016
Publisher: Advances in Environmental Biology
Abstract: The coexistence of a dog to man is an important feature, at the same time can transmit diseases to the latter. Among these pathologies, there heartworm. Heartworm is a parasitic disease caused by a roundworm, heartworm, which parasite the heart of the dog. Following the bite of an infected mosquito; in case of massive infestation, severe hemolytic syndrome which falls under emergency or obstruction of the vena cava. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of heartworm disease in dogs at the clinic of the Institute of Veterinary Science, in the wilaya of Tiaret (Algeria). from 2010 to 2015, 1300 blood samples were collected from dogs, each sample was analyzed using various laboratory techniques (direct microscopic evaluation of a sample of fresh blood, MGG, immunomigration of rapid test "witness" . a prevalence of 0% was found for heartworm disease.
ISSN: 1995-0756
Appears in Collections:Publications Internationales

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