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Titre: Prevalence of cryptosporidiosis in goats in central Algeria
Auteur(s): El Amine Bennadji, Mohamed
Mimoune, Nora
Khelef, Djamel
Oumouna, Mustapha
Mots-clés: Cryptosporidium
Date de publication: 2022
Résumé: This study was aimed at determining the prevalence of cryptosporidiosis in goats in central Algeria. A total of 605 samples of goat faeces were collected from several mixed farms (sheep and goats) in the regions of Médéa, Djelfa, and Ain Defla. Cryptosporidium spp. was detected using the Ziehl-Nelseen technique modified by Henriksen and Polhenz. Cryptosporidium spp. was detected in 103 samples (17.02%). Females accounted for 69.90% of positive samples while males accounted for 30.09% of positive samples (P<0.05). The most infested animals were those aged between 2 months and 7 years (69.99%). Animals under 15 days of age were also very vulnerable to infection (59.25%) (P<0.05); Young goats with diarrhoea infested with Cryptosporidium were noticed in 25% of samples. The infestation rate during autumn was 56.31%, and 43.68% in springPost-weaned goats are potential carriers and shedders of the parasite and young are vulnerable to the infection. To conclude, further studies are needed on a larger sample and in other areas to improve our epidemiology knowledge of cryptosporidiosis in goats.
Description: P. 1-9
ISSN: 0350-7149
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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