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Title: Principales dermatoses parasitaires du chien dues aux acariens et aux insectes à l'E.N.V , Alger : Enquête retrospectivee
Authors: Chaker, Sabrina
Aissi, Meriem (Dir.)
Keywords: Chien
Examen complémentaires
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: École Nationale Supérieure Vétérinaire
Series/Report no.: P4.23 036.00;
Abstract: The objective of this work is to propose and explain a process for conducting a consulting parasitic canine dermatology. Two chapters are treated in succession. In the first chapter sets out the general data on parasitism external dog (principal agents, clinical, diagnosis). The dermatosis discussed in this chapter are those caused by mites and insects encountered in the ENV-Algiers.The second chapter is a practical study which consists of a retrospective survey conducted in the ENV-Algiers to determine the frequency of mites and insects dogs and finally, from monitoring a case of canine démodécie studied in this chapter, a basic kit for experimental diagnosis of mites and insects dermatosis of dogs has been proposed.
Description: Bibliogr. p. 37- 40; Annexes p.41- 46
Appears in Collections:Projets de fin d'étude (PFEs) 2008

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